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G’day Fellow CHMM’s,

2022 has been another busy and difficult year for many of us, and getting back into the swing of things following two unprecedented years of dealing with COVID-19 and its variants has been slow and difficult. It’s been a year of adapting to a new way of life at home, in school, and in the workplace. As a Chapter, GA-AHMP was unfortunately only able to host a couple of events during 2022. Pre-COVID we held an annual CHMM Review Course, the odd Golf Tournament, and typically hosted 4-5 lunch time technical meetings. Unfortunately, we were not able to do these things again this year; but 2023 will be different. We have adapted and are moving forward and need your help and involvement in 2023.

For 2023, the Board of GA-AHMP officers will be:

– Chairperson/President – Gerald Mueller
– Vice Chair – Open
– Secretary – Russ Greatorex
– Treasurer – Mike Verdon

For the coming year, we have secured a location at which we can host our meetings and technical presentations. They will be held at the offices of GEI, located at 3065 Akers Mill Road, Suite 235, Atlanta 30339. We have a couple potential speakers lined up for 2023, but need more diversity and interesting topics. If anyone has an interesting project or technical knowledge or specialty field that they, or someone they know would like to present to our Chapter, please contact one of our Board members and we can schedule a convenient date and time. Remember, by presenting at and attending these Chapter technical meetings, you will receive those very important continuing education points needed for your five-year CHMM recertification. We can help you and you can help the Chapter.

It is always difficult to know when to schedule our technical presentations. Pre-COVID we had scheduled meetings during the lunch hour on a Wednesday, with lunch provided. We had approximately 15-20 people attend. We would charge a nominal fee of $10 for GA-AHMP members and $15 for non-Chapter attendees to cover the lunch costs. We propose to keep the costs the same in 2023. Annual Chapter membership dues will be $25 again thist year.

In 2023, we’d like to increase the meeting attendance. We want to make our technical meetings as convenient as possible for people to attend. We need your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts on when would be most convenient for you to attend, considering your work schedule and flexibility, location, and of course Atlanta traffic. Are lunch time meetings better, or would having presentations in the evening, say 6:00 P.M be more convenient? Please let us know.

From the Board of GA-AHMP, we wish everyone a happy, safe, and prosperous new year. All the best for 2023 and we look forward to your feedback and involvement to make the Chapter prosper again next year.

Kind regards,

Gerald R. Mueller, CHMM
Georgia Chapter, Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (GA-AHMP)
E-mail: or
work phone number: (404) 615-7454